Are You Venting or Complaining?

Imagine carrying a heavy backpack filled with things you don’t like. When you share one of those things with a friend, it’s like taking out a hefty rock from your backpack. You feel lighter and better, tossing that rock aside. Letting it “go.”

 …This is venting. 

 But, if you keep pulling out the same rock and showing it to everyone you meet, without actually doing something to lighten your load– you’re going to end up exhausted and your backpack is gonna feel heavy.

 …This is complaining. 

 Venting usually helps you feel better. 

 Complaining keeps you hyperfocused on the issue and makes you feel worse. 

 If you find yourself complaining about the same person or about the same things consider these options:

 👉 Change the way you’re thinking about the “issue.” 

👉 Decide to simply let the issue go. 

👉 Talk with the person and try to come up with a solution to the problematic behavior.

👉 Set boundaries (Read: How to Set a Boundary) or limit your time around the person.

👉 Exit the relationship. 

If you're having trouble doing this on your own–get yourself on my calendar to learn how I can help. 

All the best, 

Kari 😘 



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